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Merchant Payments by Corporates

Paying utility bills and taxes through Internet has become easier than before

Follow the 3 simple steps for making payment:

  • Administrator has to add the merchant in "Manage Vendors > Manage Merchant > Enable Merchant"
  • Corporate User has to create the Merchant Payment Limit in "Merchant Limit > Create Merchant Limit" using any one of the accounts mapped to him/her.
  • The Authorizer for that account has to authorize the Merchant Payment Limit within 7 days in "Merchant Limit > Authorize Inbox" .The Authorizer should be different from the user who has created the Merchant Payment Limit. That is, at least two users are required to create and approve a Merchant Payment Limit.

The Merchant Payment Limit is valid only for 48 hours for making payment. You can create a new limit after the old one has expired.

Now the Authorizer can go to the Merchant Site and make the payment directly.

Government Tax payments can be made with or without creation of Merchant Payment Limit. There is no need for the Administrator to add Government as a Merchant. Corporate user can directly create the Merchant Payment Limit and the Authorizer has to authorize the same. While getting redirected from the Government site you may choose to pay either through

  1. Merchant Payment Limit available for Corporate user (Authorizer) (or)
  2. Pay without using Merchant Payment limit by directly selecting the Debit Account.

Choose the relevant option and pay.
View the list of Merchants available for making online payment

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